A Concierge Approach to Eye Care in Houston

Leave your mark with CHOSEN frames. Help make the world a better place while enjoying the clear vision you deserve!

Eye Care with a Personal Touch

At Weslayan Eye Associates, eye care is our passion. We strive to offer a personalized touch every time you visit our office. We take our time with each patient to help them understand their eyes and vision and find the right solutions that address their specific needs.

From making a difference with our exclusive CHOSEN frames to myopia control for your children and dry eye treatment with OptiLight by Lumenis, we have your eye care needs covered. Schedule your next appointment today and experience the comprehensive care Weslayan Eye Associates is proud to offer.

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Dry Eye Relief with OptiLight 

Dry eye can be challenging to navigate and manage—the good news is that Dr. Stephens and her team are in your corner. Through innovative treatment methods like OptiLight by Lumenis, we can help you find relief from symptoms like watery eyes, irritation, and inflammation.

We take the time to thoroughly examine your eyes and get to the bottom of your dry eye symptoms. Dr. Stephens is also committed to learning more about dry eye and is heavily involved in clinical research to better understand the condition and help her patients find relief.

Visit Our Location

You can find us off Bissonnet St. in Weslayan Plaza, with plenty of parking available in front of the clinic. Exams are scheduled by appointment only.

Our Address

  • 4030 Bissonnet St.
  • Houston, TX 77005

Contact Information

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Frames with a Purpose

To Dr. Stephens and her team, eye care is about making a difference. Our exclusive CHOSEN frames allow us to make a global impact through eye care and continue to spread the Weslayan Eye Associates message.

We believe that eye care should be accessible and our frames are made with a purpose.

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