Frames & Lenses in Houston

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Making a Difference with CHOSEN

Frames with a purpose.

My middle name is Ester. I was named after my grandmother. Queen Ester, in the Bible, was a woman of purpose. With favor, she was chosen by the King and chosen by God for a purpose at that time to save the entire Jewish people. 

When choosing these frames, you are not only reminded that you, too, were chosen and have a purpose, but you are also choosing to help someone else in need. We are giving a portion of our sales to non-profit organizations that help people in need. Whether it’s for helping victims of human trafficking or providing cataract surgery for someone in need to have their sight restored, be confident that you are involved in helping make this world a better place!

Nancy Stephens, OD

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The CHOSEN Impact

CHOSEN is about making a worldwide difference and impact. Our goal is to help people see when they may not be able to provide for themselves. We want to give our patients the opportunity to make a difference through our exclusive CHOSEN frames.

From mission projects to Mexico to consistently looking for new opportunities to make a lasting impact, CHOSEN is just getting started. 

Visit us to start making a difference with CHOSEN today.

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Visit Our Location

You can find us off Bissonnet St. in Weslayan Plaza, with plenty of parking available in front of the clinic. Exams are scheduled by appointment only.

Our Address

  • 4030 Bissonnet St.
  • Houston, TX 77005

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Frames with a Purpose

To Dr. Stephens and her team, eye care is about making a difference. Our exclusive CHOSEN frames allow us to make a global impact through eye care and continue to spread the Weslayan Eye Associates message.

We believe that eye care should be accessible and our frames are made with a purpose.

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